Hi everyone! First an intro to my
madness chaos life.
I'm Kris! Recently 28, Married for almost 7 years, and mama to 3 crazy, wonderful, beautiful little girls.
That's me on the left, with the tiny baby!
This is Caitlyn. She's 6 years old. Caitlyn is our kidney child. She has 1 bad kidney, 1 good kidney, Grade 5 VUR and a neurogenic bladder. So we are often taking her to the Children's Hospital for tests, checkups and everything else. So far she's stable.
This is Isabella. She is 3 years old. The middle Child. The DRAMA QUEEN. Trouble maker extraordinaire. Isabella suffered from a seizure in November and hasn't been the same since. We are still working out a diagnosis. She has a form of epilepsy as per the EEG, but her Neuro has not made a full diagnosis yet. Isabella suffers from a form of PTSD due to the seizure. So we always have adventures with her.
And this little munchkin is Calleigh. She's the baby. And our last. 7 months old currently. She's our doll. Very easy going. Just trying out mobility.
I am a breastfeeding, baby wearing, semi co-sleeping, kinda mama.
My blog is a pretty average mommy blog. I chronicle milestones, and other details for out of state family and freinds. I discuss vents, participate in blog parties and love meeting new friends.
As far as prizes go -There are a ton of great ones-but I would like to win (19)Prize Package of Preschool Toys, (31) $20 amazon gift certificate, (32) $25 Target Gift Card,
If those are taken, I'd also be happy with the following 33, 37, 52, 53, 55, 61, 70, 73, 74, 87, 88, 107, USC3, USC4, USC8, USC15, USC21,USC31, USC32,USC35, USC36, USC37, USC39, USC40.
Beyond those, anything suitable for a infant(7 months), preschooler (3), or school aged Girl(6) would be just fine with us.